Research and Knowledge unit is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all research studies commissioned by TETA. The function of research is very critical in fulfilling TETA’s mandate. Research and Knowledge unit conducts research regarding skills and occupations, and labour market specific to the transport sector. The findings from the research studies are used for evidence-based decision making by chambers, units and TETA as a whole. This enables TETA to plan accordingly and provide relevant support to stakeholders and employers. Furthermore, the findings of the research studies conducted influence the organisation’s allocation of resources to support learning programme interventions. Research is the main driver of knowledge creation within any organisation or institution. For TETA, the importance of research can be seen in many areas like the compilation of a Sector Skills Plan (SSP), which is the guiding document for skills development and planning in the transport sector.
Key Functions
To fulfil TETA’s mandate, Research and Knowledge unit has the following Key functions:
- Develop TETA Sector Skills Plan (SSP) report and get it approved by DHET
- To conduct industry research – which identifies different changes in the labour market and recommend to TETA responsive strategies
- Establish and maintain research chair
- Support research collaborative
- Conduct tracer studies – which track and trace destinations of TETA beneficiaries post funding to establish the impact of the learning programme interventions on the livelihood of the beneficiaries.