TETA 24th AGM Invite
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached a document for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached a document for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the invitation for your perusal.
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the application form and advert.
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the invitation for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders
Please find attached documents for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders
Please find attached the guidelines and advert for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders,
Click the link to access the invitation adverts to serve on chambers: Rail Chamber, Road Passenger Chamber and/or Freight Handling Chamber. The closing date is 26 July 2024.
Dear Stakeholder,
TETA is in the process of verifying and confirming status of all programmes implemented by various stakeholders during the period 1 April 2023 up until 31 March 2024. To assist TETA ascertain and accurately record all programme deliverables and financial performance in real time for all programmes implemented in this period, you are requested to complete the attached template in full and submit to your respective practitioner, Executive Officer or Unit Manager by no later than 24 June 2024.
The attached Project Progress Report should be completed in reference to the project implementation plan initially submitted to TETA.
TETA understands that there may be misalignment between the Project Progress Report and the initial implementation plan submitted to TETA with first tranche claim, in that case, please also attach a revised implementation plan to accompany the Project Progress Report.
Please note that the project progress report is applicable to each project or contract you are implementing for the period 1 April 2023 to date.
Kindly submit the document/s not later than24 June 2024.
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the document for your perusal.
Dear Stakeholders
Please find attached documents for your perusal
TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.