TETA Events Calendar - October 2023
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the latest events calendar for October 2023
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the latest events calendar for October 2023
Dear Stakeholders
Please find attached the documentation for your applications
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the latest September 2023 Events Calendar
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached documents for your perusal
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached the documents for your perusal.
Dear Stakeholders,
Please find attached documents for your perusal.
Dear Stakeholder,
Kindly find attached the TETA events calendar for August 2023.
Dear Stakeholders
Please download the attachment and kindly provide comments / inputs by 21 August 2023 to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Stakeholders
Kindly find attached a TETA Bursary Application User Manual
Dear Stakeholders
Please find attached the following documents:
TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.