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TETA spends 67 minutes at Blue Eagle High School, Cosmo City

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Media Statement

For Immediate Release

TETA spends 67 minutes at Blue Eagle High School, Cosmo City

[Randburg, Johannesburg-18 July 2018] TETA spent 67 minutes at Blue Eagle High School in Cosmo City in celebration of Mandela Day.

The 67 minutes was spent in information sharing sessions that exposed 350 grade 11 and 12 learners to transport-related careers. Other activities included tending and cultivating the school garden and demonstrating the process of completing the TETA bursary application forms to avoid disqualification.

“This year’s Nelson Mandela Day activities were even more exciting. We opted for an initiative that is close to our hearts – exposing previously disadvantaged groups to unique career opportunities within the transport sector. Through this event, we were also joining the government’s Nelson Mandela centenary celebrations, said Acting Corporate Service Manager of TETA, Sabelo Mbuku.

“On behalf of Blue Eagles High School, we would like to thank [TETA] for kindly offering … 67 minutes of Mandela Day to us. We truly appreciate it and hope that [TETA’s] generosity will not end today …”, said Mr Ndlala, Principal of Blue Eagle High School.

About TETA

The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) is one of the 21 SETAs mandated to facilitate skills development and training in different economic sectors of South Africa—TETA focuses on the transport sector. TETA’s areas of operation cut across rail, aerospace, maritime, road freight, road passenger, taxi, freight handling, and forwarding and clearing transport industry subsectors. The authority is committed to ensuring that through the implementation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) and other national mandates such as the New Growth Path and the National Development Plan a pool of individuals highly skilled, competitive and competent to function effectively within the transport sector is built.

Issued By: Sabelo Mbuku

Acting Corporate Services Manager

TETA House,344 Pretoria, Avenue,Randburg

Tel: 011 577 7000


Contact Person: Emelia Mosima

Corporate Communication and Media Liaison

TETA House,344 Pretoria Avenue, Randburg

Tel: 011-577-7032

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last modified on Wednesday, 11 November 2020 10:11


TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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