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Human Resources Unit


The Human Resources Department supports the core business of the organisation by operationalising the organisational strategy, thus ensuring that the organisation meets its business performance goals and reaches the desired outcomes through achievement of the following:

  • Managing TETA structure and implementing the human resource plan to capacitate the organisation to meet its business performance imperatives;
  • Timeous selection and recruitment to ensure that vacant positions are filled;
  • Training and development of TETA staff aligned to personal development plans;
  • Continuous improvement of human resources policies, plans and strategies to eliminate uncertainties in the workplace;
  • Devolution of sound employment relations to all business units of the organisation;
  • Creating awareness of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle;
  • Ensuring effective and efficient performance management systems are in place; and
  • Recognition of the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) as the employees’ voice in the workplace and continuous improvement of the relationship with the union.

Priorities and their Impact

Investment in training and development of personnel is a priority for TETA, as it translates into improved organisational performance, staff confidence and skills. TETA will continue to invest in human capital, with a focus on:

  • Internal staff bursaries;
  • Workshops aligned to personal development plans and industry-specific matters, such as trend updates; and
  • Submission of WSP/ATR to ETDP SETA.

Workforce Planning Framework

TETA’s human resources plan provides guidance for the workforce planning framework, which is aligned to TETA’s overall strategy.

Employee Performance Management Framework

TETA’s performance management framework assists in setting objectives for all TETA employees at the beginning of every financial year. Achievement is measured quarterly.

Employee Wellness Programmes

TETA prides itself on being a caring employer. Thus, the promotion of healthy living – physical, emotional and mental – was significant during the year under review.Careways, the service provider contracted to roll out TETA employee wellness programmes, ensures that all employees have access to professional assistance in social, psychological, legal and professional matters.

Policy Development

The organisation reviews and updates its human resources policies as and when required in line with amendments to legislation or operational changes.


Position Name Email Contact Numbers
Executive Manager Corporate Services Ms Kgatile Nkala This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 011 577 7106
Manager: Human Resources & Administrator Ms Dinnah Machabane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 011 577 7141
Office Administrator Ms Seithati Moatshe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 011 577 7106
Graduate Management Officer Ms Makgotso Masehla This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  011 577 7091
Human Resources Administrator Ms Wanangwa Munthali


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011 577 7024
Payroll Administrator Ms Melanie Pienaar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 011 577 7030


TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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Business Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 16:30 pm